…our current list
Here at HealthFoodPost.com, we love real food and we love Paleo.
So, we decided to present what we consider to be the 50 Top Paleo Blogs that should not be missed by Paleo lovers everywhere.
Congratulations to the Top 50 Paleo Bloggers!
Notice to Winners: As a Top 50 Paleo Blog Award Winner, you may feature our Award Seal on your website or in social media. Just copy and paste the code below!
Here they are in alphabetical order:
Against All Grain – If you are looking for a beautiful aesthetic for your blog browsing experience, this is the site for you. The site, started by Danielle Walker, provides recipes, videos, and a glimpse into Walker’s personal healing journey through going paleo. http://www.againstallgrain.com
Autoimmune Paleo – For people battling autoimmune illnesses, there is a stricter, short term paleo protocol designed to promote healing and reduce internal inflammation known as the Autoimmune Protocol (AIP). This blog helps guide you through the AIP protocol in a helpful and friendly way. www.autoimmune-paleo.com
Balanced Bites – If you have been in paleo circles for long you have likely heard the name Diane Sanfilippo. Sanfilippo is best known for her paleo-based 21 day approach to detoxing from sugar. Find out about that as well as other practical paleo tips and recipes on her comprehensive blog. www.balancedbites.com
Beauty and the Foodie – This comprehensive blog offers plenty of paleo recipes (along with primal and low carb recipes), plus natural beauty care tips and holistic remedies so that you can be more natural inside and out. www.beautyandthefoodie.com
Cave Girl in the City – If you are a visual person, Cave Girl in the City is the blog for you. This blog features beautifully photographed food and the accompanying recipes as well as helpful tips to set up your own paleo kitchen. www.cavegirlinthecity.com
Cave Momma– This RN mom of seven (!) kids devotes the space on her blog to teaching families how to be strong and healthy with meal planning ideas, recipes, and fitness tips in today’s busy world. www.cavemomma.com
Chris Kresser – This authoritative leader in the paleo field is also a medical doctor and offers plenty of sound health advice and resources for your paleo journey. www.chriskresser.com
Civilized Caveman Cooking – Love bacon? So does George, the civilized caveman behind this blog. Here you’ll find plenty of recipes that feature bacon as well as a variety of other mouthwatering recipes, helpful meal plans, and entertaining podcasts. www.civilizedcavemancooking.com
Clothes Make the Girl – The title of this blog may not think you that it’s a paleo blog, but that’s exactly what you’ll find on The Clothes Make the Girl. This stylish blogger writes about all things paleo, fitness, and looking good while you’re doing both! www.theclothesmakethegirl.com
College Paleo – Don’t let college (or a small cooking space or busy lifestyle) stop you from meeting your paleo goals. Check out how this student makes paleo and college work together. www.collegepaleo.com
Everyday Paleo – The tagline to Everyday Paleo is “Recipes for Life” and that is exactly what you will find on this blog. Recipes are meant to be delicious, healthy, and easy to prepare for anyone and everyone. The blog has become so popular that the author created a bestselling book of the same name. www.everydaypaleo.com
Evolvify – Evolvify differentiates itself from many other paleo blogs by bringing a psychology based perspective into the equation along with biology. A fascinating blog for anyone who wants to look at the bigger paleo picture. www.evolvify.com
Fast Paleo – Think of Fast Paleo as your neighborhood paleo hangout. Readers can contribute recipes to share with other readers as well as find helpful resources. www.fastpaleo.com
Fed + Fit – Check out Fed + Fit for tasty paleo recipes inspired by blog author Cassy Joy Garcia’s own journey of healing through a paleo diet or use the blog to link up to her. www.fedandfit.com
Free the Animal – It’s hard not to feel passion for paleo when reading the passionate words found on Free the Animal posts, which encourages readers to live their best, freest life through optimal health, wellness, and fitness, fueled by the paleo diet. www.freetheanimal.com
He Won’t Know It’s Paleo – The creator behind this blog actually began cooking paleo for her husband without ever telling him about the switch—and her recipes were so tasty he had no idea there had been a switch! Beyond just paleo, He Won’t Know It’s Paleo focuses on the stricter Autoimmune Protocol for people battling autoimmune conditions. www.hewontknowitspaleo.com
Health-Bent – The recipes on this blog run by a pair of married Crossfit enthusiasts are impressive enough to be your source for recipes when you have company coming over and easy enough to look up for a last minute dinner alone. www.health-bent.com
Hunter Gatherer – John Durant’s blog is devoted to sharing his thoughts on all things paleo. If you are searching for recipes or how-tos, this isn’t the blog for you, but if you would like to read his interviews with various experts in the paleo field and Durant’s thoughts on various paleo trends, you’ll be all set! www.huntergatherer.com/
I Breathe I’m Hungry – Browse around this blog if you are looking for some filling paleo (and low carb) meal ideas. While you’re there, be sure to take advantage of the free meal plans to help make things easier for you! www.ibreatheimhungry.com/blog
Living Loving Paleo – Inspired by her personal victory over Crohn’s disease, Kristen Boehmer’s simple blog offers a wide collection of recipes created with health and healing in mind. www.livinglovingpaleo.com
Nom Nom Paleo – Nom Nom Paleo’s straightforward (and yummy) take on all things Paleo has made it a go-to site for paleo recipes, cooking tutorials, and even podcasts so you can learn on the go. www.nomnompaleo.com
Our Paleo Life – Go visit Our Paleo Life to get your fill of paleo recipes, follow the bloggers whole30 journey, and find a forum to talk with others following the paleo lifestyle. Ask questions, share tips, and support one another in one convenient location. www.ourpaleolife.com
Paleo for Women – We all know men and women are different. This blog acknowledges this fact and helps you navigate the world of paleo specifically with women in mind. Best practices as well as specific health issues for women are all covered here. www.paleoforwomen.com
Paleo Hacks – Who doesn’t like things to be easier? Check out this blog to find shortcuts and secrets to your paleo way of life! www.paleohacks.com
Paleo Leap – Like many other paleo blogs, this site has plenty of recipes to check out, but what’s most noteworthy about Paleo Leap is all the helpful information it gives you on the paleo lifestyle. From paleo basics to tips on how to explain your paleo diet to curious friends, you’ll find it all here. www.paleoleap.com
Paleo on a Budget – With a beautifully simple layout, Paleo on a Budget aims to be easy on the eyes and easy on the wallet. In addition to standard paleo blog information like recipes and tips, you’ll also find free meal plans and free downloads. wwww.paleoonabudget.com
Paleo Parents – If not eating processed foods is important for you, imagine how much more important it is to your children’s developing systems. Let the Paleo Parents guide you through paleo for the whole family with their friendly and helpful blog. www.paleoparents.com
Paleo Plan – Think of The Paleo Plan as your one stop shop to get information from a host of paleo experts. Contributors to this well-rounded blog include a health and fitness expert, lifestyle expert, and recipe expert. www.paleoplan.com
Paleo/Non Paleo – As much as paleo may have become YOUR world, the fact is the world we live in is not always paleo friendly. Gain advice and insights on conquering paleo living in a non-paleo world on this blog. www.paleononpaleo.com
Paleoholic – Here you’ll find paleo recipes, guides, and helpful tips on things like how to fit more veggies into your diet for everyone “addicted” to the paleo lifestyle. www.paleoholic.com
PaleoIQ – Billed as the “smart paleo blog,” this blog helps you learn not just HOW to do paleo, but also WHY to do paleo. www.paleoiq.com
Paleoista – As any true paleo devotee will tell you, paleo is not just a diet; it’s a way of life. And that’s why Nell Stephenson set up her blog to be your companion to your paleo way of life. www.paleoista.com
PaleoOMG – Designed with keeping paleo living real and simple, PaleOMG offers recipes, workouts, “rants,” and even fashion tips. If you want simple, fun, and variety, you have found the blog for you! www.paleomg.com
Perfect Health Diet – The academic influence voiced by the scientists who run this blog is sure to please those seeking a more research based blog. Find recipes, articles, and the authors’ own personal testimonies here. www.perfecthealthdiet.com
Practical Paleo – If you have a family and are on a budget, but still strive to live the paleo lifestyle, this is the blog for you. www.practicalpaleo.com
Primal Parent – Know someone who’s expecting or recently had a baby? Send her to this blog that is specifically devoted to that special time of life. www.theprimalparent.com
Real Food Liz – Not only does this blog give tips on eating a healthy paleo based diet, she also shares hints for natural skin care in line with the holistic nature of paleo as well as fertility tips. www.realfoodliz.com
Robb Wolf – The name Robb Wolf has become practically synonymous with all things paleo as expert Robb Wolf establishes his dominance as a paleo guru. Take some time to explore this vast blog for the latest paleo news, advice, lifestyle and health information. www.robbwolf.com
Rubies and Radishes – What started out as a glimpse into a 30 day paleo journey has evolved into a comprehensive paleo recipe and lifestyle blog. Enjoy the clean design and wealth of information as you browse this pleasing site! www.rubiesandradishes.com
Stupid Easy Paleo – Eating paleo was never meant to be an arduous journey so Stupid Easy Paleo helps you make sure things stay easy. With simple to follow recipes that are sure to turn out delicious, this site is great for experienced Paleo dieters and newbies alike. www.stupideasypaleo.com
The Domestic Man – Anyone who thinks cooking should only be left to women needs to visit this blog where this self-described Domestic Man shares how to whip up paleo dishes with an international flair. No more excuses for not hitting the kitchen, fellas! www.thedomesticman.com
The Free Range Human – Some people choose paleo for overall health and energy, some to enhance fitness goals, but others follow it to address specific and serious health concerns. The Free Range Human shares information and recipes on using a paleo diet to help control epilepsy. Whatever your reason for going paleo, you are sure to find plenty of great resources on this blog. www.freerange-human.com
The Paleo Diet – One of the criticisms often cited concerning the paleo diet is a lack of research and studies. This blog, founded by a ph.D., gives recipes, but also discusses current studies and research to provide those who like to visit a more research based blog. www.thepaleodiet.com/the-paleo-diet-blog/
The Paleo Mom – Sure, you’ll find terrific recipes on this paleo blog, but you’ll also find plenty of other things helpful to paleo moms. Lunchbox ideas, kid friendly breakfasts, and more all grace the pages of this blog that’s helpful to moms, dads, and any who cares for kiddos! www.thepaleomom.com
Tony FED – Find recipes, news, and general info on all things paleo on this blog run by a personal trainer. www.fitnessinanevolutionarydirection.com/
Trainer Kim – If you are spurred on by others’ success stories, check out Trainer Kim’s site for inspiration as well as paleo and fitness resources. www.trainer-kim.com
Ultimate Paleo Guide – The Ultimate Paleo Guide is a blog that is exactly what it sounds like: your ultimate guide to paleo living. Find everything from recipes to information on supplements to practical pointers and much more! www.ultimatepaleoguide.com
Whole30 – Many people choose to kick start their Paleo plan by completing a cycle of a plan known as the whole30, designed to cleanse and heal the digestive tract. If this sounds like something you’d like to do, check out this blog for everything you need to know! www.whole30.com/blog